

CASE NO. 24-20004




Educational Building Authority of the
City of Marion Revenue Bonds,
(Judson College), Series 2010

CUSIPs: 56856PAM3, 56856PAP6, 56856PAQ4,
56856PAS0, 56856PAT8, 56856PAU5,
56856PAV3, 56856PAW1, 56856PAX9

Docket No. 1: Petition

Docket No. 4: Disclosure Statement for Chapter 11 Plan of Judson College, Inc.

Docket No. 5: Chapter 11 Plan of Judson College, Inc.

Docket No. 12: Order Setting Status Conference

Docket No. 21: Expedited Motion for an Order (I) Approving the Disclosure Statement; (II) Approving the Form and Contents of the Solicitation Package and Ballots; (III) Approving the Form and Manner of Notice of the Confirmation Hearing; (IV) Approving Procedures for Distribution of the Solicitation packages; (V) Approving Procedures for Vote Tabulation; (VI) Establishing a Record Date and Voting Deadline for Receipt of Ballots; (VII) Establishing the Deadline and Procedures for Filing Objections to Confirmation of the Plan and Asserted Cure Amounts for Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases That May be Assumed as Part of the Plan; and (VIII) Granting Related Relief Application to Approve Disclosure Statement

Docket No. 28: Notice for Expedited Hearing

Docket No. 29: Order Setting Status Conference in Chapter 11 Case

Docket No. 32: Meeting of Creditors

Docket No. 33: Order Setting Expedited Hearing on Utilities Motion, Bar Date Motion, Solicitation Motion (Including But Not Limited To As It Relates To The Debtor’s Disclosure Statement), Wages Motion, and Bank Account Motion

Docket No. 34: Notice of Hearing to Consider the Adequacy of Disclosure Statement

Docket No. 71: Order (I) Setting Bar Dates and Proceudres for Filing Proofs of Claim, and (II) Approving the Form and Manner of Serving and Notice of the Bar Dates

Docket No. 75: Chapter 11 Plan of Judson College, Inc.

Docket No. 76: Disclosure Statement for Chapter 11 Plan of Judson College, Inc.

Docket No. 79: Order (I) Approving the Disclosure Statement; (II) Approving the Form and Contents of the Solicitation Package and Ballots; (III) Approving the Form and Manner of Notice of the Confirmation Hearing; (IV) Approving Procedures for Distribution of Solicitation Packages; (V) Approving Procedures for Vote Tabulations; (VI) Establishing the Deadline and Procedures for Filing Objections to Confirmation of the Plan and Asserted Cure Amounts for Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases That May Be Assumed as Part of the Plan; and (VIII) Granting Related Relief

Notice of (I) Approval of Disclosure Statement, (II) Deadline for Voting on the Debtor’s Chapter 11 Plan, (III) Hearing to Consider Confirmation of the Plan, and (IV) Last Date and Procedures for Filing Objections to Confirmation of the Plan

Beneficial Owner Ballot (to be delivered via each holder’s respective bank, broker or nominee)

Master Ballot (to be completed by each holder’s respective bank, broker or nominee)

Notice of Filing Plan Supplement in Connection with Chapter 11 Plan of Judson College

Order Confirming Chapter 11 Plan of Judson College